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Along with Adam, Eve had the responsibility to tend the Garden of Eden. But, she found herself wanting more than what was given to her. Like Eve, we can easily find ourselves chasing after the one thing we don’t need. If we are not careful, we can easily become distracted and become ineffective in the garden. God presents us with a garden; a plethora of blessings but even still, it does not seem enough to keep us focused.

The media and society continually encourage us to want more and more. Making us feel “less than”. Never beautiful enough, never smart enough, never “mom” enough, never “wife” enough and never skinny enough. No matter how much we invest in our beauty, or how up to date in trends we are, we repeatedly find ourselves falling short of society’s expectations. Sadly, we are surrounded by blessings we cannot enjoy because we have become too busy keeping up with the Jones’s. Living dry lives in abundant seasons. We spend so much time comparing ourselves to others that we end up walking out of our calling and into distractions.

Ladies, the time has come to tend to our gardens. If you watched my live video last week, you heard me say it’s time to rise up and shake the apron. It’s time to make room for what God wants to pour into you. So, get your hands dirty, trim your trees, remove the weeds and get ready for rain. Let your faith be restored today. You are in the midst of a garden that specifically needs you. I cannot tell you what work your garden needs; only you know what God is calling you to do. Eve, if your not careful your distraction will get you evicted from the garden. Love, Zuleika

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