Dear Single Mom,
I know this is not how you expected your life to be. If you are anything like me your thoughts were, first comes marriage, then a baby, right? Just like the song we grew up singing. I grew up in a Christian home so I knew that I was not living a life pleasing to God. I knew that eventually, my sin would catch up to me. So at 26, I found myself pregnant and not married. In today's society being pregnant out of wedlock was the norm, but for me, I was humiliated. My relationship with my boyfriend started to fall apart. However, I continued to try to work things out because I didn’t want to own the title of a SINGLE MOM. I was so consumed in what everyone else would think of me that I tried to make a relationship work that was killing me mentally and emotionally.
I remember falling to my knees and praying for God to give me the strength I needed to walk away and be the mother I needed to be. God whispered to me, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” “You are more than a conqueror!” God simply reminded me that others may have failed me, but He will NEVER fail me! He received me with open arms! In 2017, I rededicated my life back to God. He has healed me mentally and emotionally! I can now accept being a single mom and understand that God makes no mistakes! There is purpose in this SINGLE MOM, and there is purpose in YOU single mom! Remember God is always with you! Trust Him and trust the process you are in right now. “All things work together for the good of those who love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.
Signed with acceptance,
Jovonna Coleman